(757) 455-8889

Driving Tips and CAUTIONS for NC and VA Teen Drivers

The following tips are recommended for young drivers.

  • Avoid distractions.
  • Don’t text while driving – keep both hands on the steering wheel.
  • Don’t talk on the cell phone while driving. Even voice activated cell phones inhibit the driver of completely focusing on the road and vehicle surroundings.
  • Don’t use a laptop computer, iPad, or minicomputer while driving.
  • Don’t spend time selecting songs on your iPod, changing radio stations, or switching through CDs in the CD player.
  • Don’t eat while driving.
  • Obey the motor rules, especially speed limits.
  • Use your headlights.
  • Drive solo or with an adult.
  • Practice defensive driving.
  • Drive a car that’s equipped with seat belts, air bags and an anti-lock braking system.

Know the Risks

  • Teens, because of their lack of experience, are less likely to recognize and negotiate hazardous conditions.
  • Teens are more likely to speed and drive too closely to other vehicles. They rely too heavily on their own reflexes, when in reality, reflexes are no match for the physics of an oncoming car.
  • Teen fatalities rise in the evening hours.
  • Drunk driving at any age is dangerous and, in many cases, deadly.

Contact Attorney Joe Miller for Help

Any number of hazards on the road can result in a devastating accident. If you’ve been injured in a car accident through no fault of your own, you may be eligible for compensation from the responsible party. Take action today by contacting Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law at (888) 694-1671 and learn more about the legal options available to you.