Family and Personal Injury Law Cases
Personal injury claims often involve family members as well as the injured person. When pursuing a personal injury claim, an experienced personal injury lawyer will make sure to understand how your family fits into your case.
Direct claims by family members:
- Loss of consortium: A spouse, in North Carolina, has a right to claim compensation for the loss of the love and affection that the injured spouse would have provided. It can also include compensation for some of the household duties the spouse would have been performed that now may require outside help.
- Wrongful Death: When someone dies, the remaining family members have a right to bring a wrongful death lawsuit because they have been directly hurt because of the loss of a loved one. Their claim is brought by the personal representative of the estate – normally a spouse or a relative. The personal representative will seek compensation for many of the bills of the deceased, the net income of the deceased, and other items. The compensation will normally go to the family members. Additionally, family members may also have claims for loss of services and loss of society:
- Loss of services: This is compensation for tasks and protection the deceased would have provided for the family members.
- Loss of society: This is compensation for the emotional care, comfort, guidance, and companionship the deceased would have given the family members.
Joe Miller Helps Accident Victims and their Families
When you’re hurt in an accident, you need the help of others to get better. Attorney Joe Miller understands the pain, suffering, and horrific grief that you and your family members may experience , as he has handled thousands of cases for personal injury victims and their families. If you’ve been hurt in a car accident or if you have lost a loved one because of someone else’s recklessness or negligence, contact attorney Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, today by calling (888) 694-1671 for the representation you need.