(757) 455-8889

Merging Roads

I’ve been trying motor vehicle accident cases in Virginia and North Carolina for over 25 years. One of the most common types of accidents that drivers in both states get into is accidents involving merging roads.

Here are some of the many factors that make merging lanes difficult:

When roads merge, drivers on both roads have to be aware of the drivers on the other road.

Sometimes your vehicle needs to merge from the right into the left lane of a new road. Other times it needs to merge from the left into the fast lane of a new road.

Merges have multiple elements that need to be addressed simultaneously:

  • There are cars in the lane that you’re merging into.
  • There are cars behind you that may be pressuring you from behind or even circling around you.
  • Many times merging lanes are not straight lines.
  • Many exit ramps circle around before they flow into another road so you’re merging from a curve.
  • You may also be trying to merge onto a hill or an incline.
  • Sometimes the entrance way to the new road is too short.

Merging accidents can also be caused by drivers who are driving too fast (using too much speed), refusing to yield a right of way (such as when to roads both merge into a brand new road), tail-gating, or other motor vehicle violations.

Merging accidents can be especially dangerous, even fatal necessitating a wrongful death case. They’re dangerous because the cars that collide tend to spin around causing injuries to the drivers and injuries to other drivers who can’t get out of the way because they’re trying to merge at the same time.

Contact an Attorney Today

If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident that involved merging vehicles, you may be entitled to compensation from the party responsible for the accident. Learn more about your eligibility and what our experienced firm can do to help you by contacting the Norfolk legal team at Joe Miller Law, today at (888) 694-1671.