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Motorcycle Driver Education Courses

North Carolina requires that applicants under 18 who wish to obtain a North Carolina motorcycle endorsement must pass an approved motorcycle education course. Even adult drivers with some or a lot of experience should also consider taking a motorcycle driving course. Operating a motorcycle is much different than operating a car. There are different rules operators have to follow, and motorcycles are much more physically demanding than driving a car. Motorcycle operators have to anticipate many more things that can go wrong, and unfortunately, in the event of an accident, motorcycles offer their riders almost no protection. Fortunately, many riders can gain valuable and potentially life-saving tips through motorcycle education courses.

The basic types of courses that are offered throughout North Carolina are:

Basic Rider Course (BRC)

This course runs about 20 hours. It’s for those who have never ridden a bike and those who are out of practice. You need to have enough strength to straddle a 300 pound motorcycle and to push it up to 120 feet. For this course, the organization conducting the classes provides the motorcycle. Helmets, eye protection, and proper clothing are required. Passing the course test means you won’t have to take the skills test if you are trying for an “endorsement” on your motorcycle license.

Experienced Rider Course (ERC)

To take this course, students must have the approved North Carolina endorsement or a learner’s permit. This course is aimed at students who have at least 6 month’s experience or who have at least 3,000 miles in experience. Students must also have an approved motorcycle and proper insurance. The motorcycle must be able to pass inspection before the class starts. If the student normally allows a passenger to ride, the passenger can be part of the course.

Advanced Rider Course (ARC)

This is a one day course for more experienced riders. Some of the topics taught are braking and swerving, cornering, and ways to avoid collisions. There are hands-on exercises.

Unfortunately, despite the valuable information provided in these courses, far too many motorcyclists are regularly injured, and even killed, in accidents caused by recklessness or negligence on the part of other motorists.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Attorney for Help

Attorney Joe Miller has helped thousands of accident victims pursue compensation from the party responsible for their pain and suffering, and can help you fight for compensation in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident.  To learn more, call Joe Miller Law, at (888) 694-1671 today.