(757) 455-8889

Motorcycle Fatal Accident Statistics for North Carolina, Virginia, and Nationwide

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), motorcycle helmets saved over 1,800 lives in 2008 and over 800 more could have been saved if the riders had worn a helmet. The number of motorcycle fatalities steadily rose from 1998 through 2008. In 1998, there were 2,294 motorcycle fatalities. In 2008, there were 5,174 fatalities. The number of registered motorcycle owners also increased at a steady rate from 1998 through 2008.

In North Carolina, for 2008, 159 motorcycle riders were killed. In 91% of the fatal accidents the rider was wearing a helmet, as opposed to 9% who were not wearing helmets. In 28% of the fatal accidents, the rider had a Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) of. 08 and in 38% of the cases the rider’s BAC was .01 or more.

In Virginia, for 2008, there were 82 motorcycle fatalities. In 93% of the fatal motorcycle accidents, the rider was helmeted. In the remaining 7%, the rider did not have a helmet. 36% of the drivers were intoxicated (their BAC was .08 or more). In almost half of the cases, the BAC was .01 or more. For 2007, 47% of the fatal accidents involved another type of vehicle such as a passenger car. For these 47%, 77% involved the motorcycle being struck head-on.

A Virginia Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Can Help

Motorcycle accident cases are different than car accident cases, and in far too many instances, motorcycle accidents occur because other motorists fail to behave appropriately around motorcyclists on the road. If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle accident, Norfolk motorcycle accident lawyer Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, is ready to put his experience and understanding of motorcycle accident cases to work fighting for you. Learn more by calling (888) 694-1671 today.