Workplace Accident Compensation Law
Most of you do at home or at work depends on the intricate mesh of wiring that covers the entire country. In a major power outage in North Carolina, we are not just left in the dark; our food starts spoiling, our phones stop working, the temperature is out of control, and you can forget internet.
Spare a thought in the middle of the night for the countless cable and wire repair workers who scramble in the storm to fix the hundreds of broken lines and reboot the circuit breakers in a record time.
What does it mean to be a cable installation and repair worker?
Cable and line installation and repair work require specialized skills and qualifications according to the type of network on which they are working: electric power grid, TV-cable, fiber-optic, telecommunications, etc. Requirements are different for workers who install and those who repair the lines. Because this kind of work does not only depend on skills and qualifications but has to be done manually, most training is done on the job.
Unfortunately, the majority of their work is done outside, in freezing cold, wind, rain, or sweltering heat. In emergency situations, technicians are under intense pressure to work fast and as long as possible, which can be a major cause of work accidents. On top of that, workers must be able to climb poles or work in confined spaces and sometimes at great heights.
Are there serious risks of injury for cable workers?
Safety equipment and procedures have greatly reduced the frequency of fatal work accidents in North Carolina, especially electrocution. However, this sector still ranks high in terms of work injuries because of the long and irregular hours and physically very demanding activities.
Cable personnel work in teams, mostly in public areas and close to the traffic. Each technician is, as such, dependent in part on his co-workers for his or her security. This leads at times to miscommunication and dramatic accidents.
Attorney Joseph Miller’s FREE books restore the truth about Workers’ Compensation in North Carolina. Download for FREE now The Nine Biggest Myths About North Carolina Workplace Injuries and The North Carolina Workers Compensation Guide to Settlements. This answers all the questions you have about workplace injuries, claims, and benefits.
Injuries sustained while working on North Carolina’s power and communication grid are covered by the Workers Compensation Act. It is frequent for injured workers to have their medical or wage benefits denied or short-changed, in which case you should contact Joe Miller Law in Elizabeth City, where attorney Joseph Miller, Esq has been representing injured North Carolina workers for over 20 years. Call us at 757-455-8889 or toll-free 888-694-1671 or contact us online for a FREE, no commitment discussion of your case.