(757) 455-8889

When Is a Lawyer Necessary?

Employees who have been hurt in a serious workplace accident in North Carolina are often faced with worries and tough decisions. They may fear that:

  • Their injuries will prevent them from going back to their previous job;
  • They won’t get enough wage loss compensation to financially survive;
  • The medical treatment they receive will be inadequate.

In addition, injured workers are also wary about hiring a workers’ compensation attorney because they expect lawyers to take all their money, in fees and billed expenses, without making much of a difference in the compensation and benefits they collect.

What can an injured North Carolina worker expect from Joe Miller Law?

Fees and Costs: All costs and fees charged by your lawyer need to be fully disclosed to the Industrial Commission (IC), the department that oversees the application of North Carolina’s Workers’ Compensation Act. Your legal representative needs to send the IC the fee agreement you signed, and they will verify that nothing is charged beyond the agreed terms. Fees are generally 25% of your gross recovery, plus reasonable expenses. Extravagant fees are simply not approved by the IC. Reasonable expenses generally consist of the cost to obtain your medical records, or a physician’s opinion. Your attorney is required to give you, per item, the details of what has been spent. Your lawyer will generally front these costs and be reimbursed when you collect your settlement.

Is an Attorney Necessary? A legal representative at your side can have a great impact on the outcome of your case, and you should hire one if you have any doubts about:

  • The way your average weekly wage compensation has been calculated;
  • Your impairment rating, or compensation for unscheduled injuries;
  • The extent and consequences of your injuries;
  • The treatment of your injuries;
  • Your return-to-work, without restrictions;
  • Returning to work with restrictions;
  • A permanent disability;
  • The loss of your job;
  • Or any other situation that seems unjust, damaging or confusing.

What if you don’t know yet? Most of the time, the injured worker doesn’t know yet how he or she will be treated, and what the complications will be. Asking a lawyer for help when all the major decisions and declarations have already been made is not going to help you either. The smart way to react after a serious workplace injury is to call now attorney Joseph Miller, and have a FREE, no commitment, discussion of your case.

If you have been the victim of a workplace accident, contact Joe Miller Law in Elizabeth City, where attorney Joseph Miller, Esq has been representing injured North Carolina workers for over 20 years. Call us locally 757-455-8889 or toll-free 888-694-1671 or send us an e-mail for a free legal evaluation of your case.