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Rocky Mount, North Carolina Woman Working to Improve Trucking Safety Regulations

A Rocky Mount, North Carolina woman lost two children in a semi-trailer accident according the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette. Some semi-trailer accidents like the injuries suffered by actor Tracy Morgan and four deaths suffered by an Oklahoma softball team get the massive press. But this North Carolina woman has been working hard to make sure the deaths of two of her children were not in vain. The article claims that there are 2 million trucking accidents yearly and that 4,000 people die each year due to trucking accidents.

There are many causes for truck accidents. Some of the causes include driver fatigue and speeding to meet deadlines. The American Trucking Association claims that passenger vehicles are the cause of the accidents in over half of the truck accident cases. Trucking companies are using electronic logs to try to help identify fatigued drivers. There is the suggestion that truckers should have more available parking and off-road areas so they can pull over and rest.

The North Carolina mother and others argue that many regulations let drivers work 14 hours a day and drive up to 11 hours – causing fatigue. The families work on their own and with organizations like the Truck Safety Coalition to get changes in the laws. Other regulation targets, besides driver fatigue, are better underride guards (which help prevent a car from sliding under the truck) and higher insurance minimums.

Joe Miller Esq. fights for injured truck victims

Lawyer Joe Miller knows how tragic wrongful death cases can be. He’s helped many families of deceased accident victims get a just recovery. Nothing can ever fully compensate a family for the loss of a loved one, but attorney Joe Miller will help the family fight for the full compensation that the state law allows. When tragedy happens because of the fault of another, contact Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, by calling (888) 694-1671.