(757) 455-8889

The “Move Over” Law in North Carolina

When there’s an accident, many responders can be called to the scene. These include police officers, fire-fighters, rescue squads, and ambulances. These responders need to make sure other drivers don’t cause more harm including hitting the responders. Many traffic care providers, including police, have been hurt or killed while trying to help. The public and private service people may also help out even if there isn’t an accident. For example, a tow service may help out when a car malfunctions.

In 2001, North Carolina passed what is called a Move-Over Law. This law aims to protect these responders by requiring motorists to “move over” when they come upon one of these emergency service providers. All drivers are required to move to an adjacent lane if they can safely do so. If there isn’t a safe lane, the driver is required to slow down and be prepared to stop immediately.

The original law was expanded in 2006 and now includes public and private emergency vehicles – both law enforcement and non-law enforcement. Violation of the law is a Class I felony.

Contact an Auto Accident Attorney Today

Attorney Joe Miller has been trying cases for over 25 years and has helped thousands of personal injury victims. If you or someone you love has been injured in an accident, contact Joe Miller Law, today at (888) 694-1671 and learn more about how we can put our experience to work for you.