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Two Types of Bad Weather Drivers

Why does it always seem that accidents happen more in bad weather than good? Some of the reasons are directly related to elements such as wet roads, reduced vision, winter weather and wind (as I’ve written about elsewhere). But some of the reasons are due to people who just don’t know how to drive in bad weather. While you may take all the necessary steps to prepare for bad weather and read the tips for how to drive in bad weather – there are some drivers who do not operate their vehicles safely in bad weather.

Bad Weather Drivers

  • The Aggressive Driver – Some drivers not only refuse to slow down in bad weather, they see bad weather as a chance to get ahead. They may think their reflexes are just faster than everyone’s or that their car is superior because they have four-wheel drive and anti-lock braking systems. It’s tough to deal with these drivers other than to let them pass and get out of the way. Sadly, when a car accident occurs with this type of driver, they will likely cause more injuries and maybe more deaths than the normal bad weather driver.
  • The Shy Driver – More common than the aggressive driver is the driver who is just too scared of bad weather. This type of driver will drive way too slowly making other drivers want to pass him/her even on roads where passing shouldn’t occur. If drivers can’t pass, then traffic will be backed-up causing the more normal driver to become tense and less able to deal with a real emergency. Slow driving can also make it tough for some drivers to move. Sometimes driving too slowly can cause a person to get stuck in mud or snow. Slow drivers can especially problematic when it comes to turns. A good part of turning (whether you’re the driver in the same line or the opposite lane) is anticipating the speed of the turning driver. If the driver goes too slowly, you may get stuck in the intersection when the light changes. As with the aggressive driver, it’s a good idea to try to avoid this driver. But, by all means, make sure that if you pass this driver that you can do so safely.

Attorney Joe Miller Can Help with Your Norfolk Accident Claim

Anyone who has been in a vehicle accident in Norfolk should contact Joe Miller Law,  for the experienced legal representation they need. Joe Miller has spent years working for the victims of motor vehicle accidents, and he knows what it takes to get victims the compensation they need for their accident-related losses. Call today at (888) 694-1671 to learn more about how he can put this experience to work for you.