(757) 455-8889

Unsecured Cargo and Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can happen for many reasons. One reason that is fairly unique to trucks is when the cargo the truck is carrying spills onto the road. When this happens, drivers who are fortunate enough to see the spill may have time to swerve (where they might hit something else), but unfortunately, these accidents often result in direct injury to drivers who aren’t fortunate enough to have time to react.

There are federal and state laws that regulate the size and weight of the loads. These regulations also have rules for how the cargo can be positioned and secured so it doesn’t slide or fall. Even without specific regulations, each shipment requires that the truck owner and the truck driver use reasonable care. The owner should properly inspect the load to make sure it is secure and to package the load so that, if there is a spill, the consequences to other drivers are minimized. Drivers with loads should use caution, they shouldn’t speed, and they should be extra careful when turning.

An experienced personal injury lawyer who has experience trying cases against truck drivers, truck owners, and trucking companies can help you with your claim if you or someone you love has been injured in an accident involving unsecured truck cargo.

Talk to a Norfolk Truck Accident Lawyer to Learn More

The injuries that can result from truck accidents can be devastating, and if you were injured in a truck accident because of another party’s negligence or carelessness, you should not be the one to shoulder the financial burdens of the accident. Norfolk attorney Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, has been helping truck accident victims for decades, and he is ready to put this impressive experience to work for you and your family. To learn more about how he can help, call today at (888) 694-1671.