(757) 455-8889

What are the Basic Workers’ Compensation Benefits in Virginia?

Employees who are hurt in a work-related accident or suffer a work-related disease may be entitled to the following core benefits (some exceptions apply):

  1. Lost Wages: Employees, during the time they can’t work, get 2/3 of their average gross weekly wage. Benefits are capped at 500 weeks unless the employee can show he/she was totally and permanently disabled.
  2. Lifetime Medical Benefits: Medical claims timely filed are allowed as long as they were caused by a work-related occupational disease or work-related accident.
  3. Permanent Partial Impairment: If the employee loses a specific body part, vision, or has hearing loss or a disfigurement then he/she may be entitled to additional benefits.
  4. Permanent and Total Disability: Severe injuries where the employee loses two of the same body part or suffers a severe brain injury will entitle the employee to more benefits.
  5. Death Benefits: These include funeral bills and expenses up to preset limits and may also include wage loss benefits on behalf of appropriate family members.
  6. Cost of Living Increase: Employees may be entitled to yearly increases, effective October 1 of each year, if their earnings and Social Security benefits are less than 80% of what they were making before the injury. The employee has to request this benefit – it’s not automatic.
  7. Vocational Rehabilitation: In some cases employees can get re-training benefits. Employees also need to accept suitable light work for their medical condition.

Talk to a Norfolk Workers’ Comp Attorney Today to Learn More

If you have suffered a work-related injury or an occupational disease, you need workers’ compensation benefits to help you make ends meet and continue providing for your family. Unfortunately, many workers find it difficult to actually receive the benefits they need without legal assistance. For help applying for workers’ compensation benefits, or if you are looking to appeal a denied workers’ comp claim, contact attorney Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, by calling (888) 694-1671. He has over 25 years of experience helping workers just like you, and knows what it takes to file a successful claim.