(757) 455-8889

Safety Rule Violations and their Potential Effect on Your Comp Case

If you willfully violated an employer’s established safety rule, either written or oral, that was designed to keep you safe, in Virginia you can be completely prevented from recovering anything in your workers compensation case. Here, VA and NC workers comp attorney Joe Miller explains the parameters of what it means to have willfully violated …

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How to Claim Medical Mileage in VA and NC Comp Cases

If you want to get reimbursed for your medical mileage, watch as Virginia and North Carolina Workers Compensation Attorney Joe Miller explains how to make a claim for medical mileage in both states if you have an ongoing workers compensation case.

COVID-19 Can Kill Your VA Workers Comp Case

In this video Workers Compensation Lawyer Joe Miller explains how your contraction of COVID-19 illness could completely “kill” or derail a perfectly good workers compensation case in Virginia, even if you are under an Award. As a matter of fact, if you become unable to work as a result of ANY condition that is not …

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What to Consider before Accepting a Workers’ Compensation Settlement in North Carolina

Here are some things to really think about if you are being offered a Workers’ Comp settlement or ‘clincher’ in North Carolina, or you are otherwise considering a workers’ compensation settlement.

Is your medical recovery complete?
You should NOT consider settling your case until you know that further medical treatment cannot improve your condition – that you have reached your Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI). MMI essentially means the doctors have made a complete diagnosis and prognosis for you. They know what your injuries are and have a treatment plan. While continued medications and medical treatment can help, you know that no different types of medications or different treatments will work any better.

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Why do I need a lawyer?

Once the physical and emotional trauma related to a personal injury have been initially addressed, you will most likely need to consider the financial impact that you injury has and will have upon your life.  Aside from the costs associated with your medical treatment, rehabilitation, or pharmaceuticals, you may have been kept from work or …

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Can I dispute the car insurance company?

Many people in Norfolk find themselves disagreeing with their car insurance companies because the companies will not honor their claim. This can happen for any number of reasons. The company might: have misrepresented coverage to you not uphold its promised coverage fail to investigate your claim award an insufficient amount of coverage have used deceptive …

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Should I retain the services of a personal injury lawyer?

If you have sustained an injury that you believe to be the direct result of another’s negligence or recklessness, it may be critical for you to retain the services of an experienced personal injury lawyer. An injury may not only result in physical recovery; it is common for a significant financial burden to also result. …

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