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What are the Different Types of Medical Diagnostic Tests – Part Three

In Part One of our discussion of medical diagnostic tests for workers’ compensation workers who are injured or become ill; we discussed X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. In Part Two, we discussed ultrasound and EMG tests. In this third article, we discuss a few diagnostic tests that affect different parts of a worker’s body – …

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What Are the Different Types of Medical Diagnostic Tests – Part Two

In part one of our discussion of diagnostic tests, we discussed three common imaging tests – X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans. Before we continue discussing other tests, let’s take a look at the parts of the body that are examined – that may need to be diagnosed: The initial medical review Normally, the ER doctor …

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What are the Different Types of Medical Diagnostic Tests – Part One

Workers in North Carolina and Virginia who are seriously injured are likely to undergo one or more diagnostic tests. These tests can determine what injuries or illnesses you have. Diagnostic tests can also rule out certain medical conditions. Diagnostic tests are important in workers’ compensation cases because they can be used to explain why you’re …

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Tendonitis and Workers Compensation

Many workers in North Carolina and Virginia suffer with and cannot work due to tendonitis. The Mayo Clinic defines tendonitis as “inflammation of the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone.” The cords are known as tendons. Tendonitis can occur in any tendon but is most common around a worker’s shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, …

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Worker’s Compensation and Winter Safety

North Carolina already had one significant snowfall during December of 2018 and early in 2018, southeast Virginia was struck by a crippling blizzard. Ice, snow, and cold weather can make it extremely difficult to work – especially for construction workers and anyone who works outside. Anyone who walks outside may slip and fall on the …

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A Glossary of Pain Management Terms and an Explanation of Neck Pain

What is pain management?
Pain management is that area of medicine that deals with the attempt to manage pain.  Physicians who practice pain management are most often found within the practices of Orthopedic Surgery, Neurosurgery, Osteopathy, or Anesthesiology. The treatments often involve a variety of modalities, but typically involve utilization of various prescribed pain medications, and sometimes injections and in the most severe cases, the implantation of nerve devices to attempt to control a patient’s pain, short of having to undergo some kind of anatomical revision such as a spine fusion.

Glossary of Pain Management Terms
Acute: Pain that can be intense but usually lasts for a short period of time, usually shorter than six months. It usually relates to a bodily injury (such as injury at work) and ends when the injury heals.

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