(757) 455-8889

Amazon Warehouse Worker Injuries

Both North Carolina and Virginia employ many different types of workers at their fulfillment centers. These centers are spread throughout both states. Amazon also hires many drivers who use Amazon’s trucks to make pickups from the stores and facilities that have the items that are ordered – and to make deliveries to the people and …

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Fast Food Work and Workers’ Compensation

Chick-fil-A, McDonald’s, Popeyes, Burger King. Bojangle’s. Most people in North Carolina and Virginia have their favorite places for a quick bite. While the food is a fast treat for customers, for workers in the fast food industry, every day their work includes some risk that an employee will be injured. The good news for employees …

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North Carolina and Virginia Workers’ Compensation and Nerve Injury Lawyer

Workers in North Carolina and Virginia can suffer nerve damage from a single incident or from a culmination of repetitive motion stresses. Nerve injuries can be extremely painful because they’re the part of the body that communicates with the brain and transmits messages that can include pain. Nerve damage can cause loss of motion. In …

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Texas military housing mold case may be elevated to federal court

More than 100 plaintiffs claimed mold in their units in Texas-based company Lincoln Military Housing. On Wednesday, September 25, Senior U.S. District Judge Robert Doumar ruled that these cases may be tried in a federal court. The cases already in federal court include 11 plaintiffs from four Lincoln-managed complexes: Musket Road near Joint Base Eustis; …

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