(757) 455-8889

Workers’ Compensation and HIPAA

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) became law in 1966. The law is designed to protect a patient’s right to privacy regarding their medical data. HIPPA regulates the privacy and security of electronic patient information. According to the Office of Civil Rights for the US Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS): “The HIPAA …

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Strokes, Heart Attacks, and Workers’ Compensation – Part Two

This article is a continuation of our discussion of strokes and worker’s compensation. Click here to read part one. What are the treatments for strokes that occur during the scope of a worker’s employment? The treatments for a stroke vary depending on the type of stroke you had (ischemic or hemorrhagic), the time since the …

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Strokes, Heart Attacks, and Workers’ Compensation – Part One

Many jobs involve heavy manual labor. Many jobs involve a great amount of stress. These jobs can cause an employee to suffer a stroke. Workers who are overweight, have heart disease, high blood pressure, or have diabetes are especially prone to suffering work-related strokes. If you are an employee and you suffer a stroke or …

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Tendonitis and Workers Compensation

Many workers in North Carolina and Virginia suffer with and cannot work due to tendonitis. The Mayo Clinic defines tendonitis as “inflammation of the thick fibrous cords that attach muscle to bone.” The cords are known as tendons. Tendonitis can occur in any tendon but is most common around a worker’s shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, …

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What Are the Different Types of Bone Breaks?

The human body has 206 bones. A break in any one bone can cause a worker to lose time from work. Employees can break a bone if they fall, are pinned by an object, are in a vehicle accident, or for many other reasons. Advanced age increases the risk of a broken bone. Broken bones …

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Overexertion and Workers’ Compensation

Overexertion is a leading cause of workplace accidents and workplace incidents. For some workers, that one extra push or pull can cause a serious injury. For many workers, the cumulative effect of lifting and carrying can take a toll on the body. For other workers, just one day when a worker does more than his/her …

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Workers’ Compensation and Falls from Heights

Falling from heights is a leading cause of lost time for workers. While many workers fall while on the same level, such as when a worker slips and falls on a slick surface, falls from heights generally cause more serious injuries some of which may be permanent. The risk of dying due to falling from …

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Neck Injuries and Workers’ Compensation Accidents

Many workers in North Carolina and Virginia perform jobs that result in cervical spine or neck injuries. While some neck injuries can be treated and resolved quickly, many employees need to undergo surgery and may live with chronic long-term neck pain. Even when the pain subsides enough for the worker to return to work, many …

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