A study conducted by the University of Central Florida revealed using hand-free computers while behind the wheel is as distracting as texting by hand with a smartphone, Reuters said in a report on Thursday, September 25.
The study involved 40 individuals who were required to use either Google Glass or a smartphone to text while operating a driving simulator. They were all then confronted with a traffic scenario wherein the vehicle in front of them suddenly slams on its brakes. The study found no notable differences between both drivers’ reaction time, although participants using Google Glass were found to be quicker in regaining control of their driving.
There are currently eight states who have considered banning the use of Google Glass and other head-mounted computers while driving.
If you believe a car accident you have been involved in has been a result of another motorist’s recklessness, find out if you are qualified to seek compensation. Contact an attorney from Joe Miller Law, Ltd in Norfolk by calling (757) 455-8889 to see if you are qualified to file a claim.