Joe Miller Obtains a $418,000 FELA Injury Jury Verdict for Locomotive Engineer with Soft Tissue Back Injury
1996, Dillon, SC—We obtained a verdict of $418,000.00 in the case of an older locomotive engineer who suffered a back strain when his train collided with an 18-wheeler truck at a railroad crossing. The accident occurred as a result of the 18-wheeler truck getting stuck on the crossing. The verdict was paid by both the trucking company and the railroad.
Other FELA Verdicts Obtained by Bernard Miller, Esq., of Counsel, for Railroad Workers:
1990, Richmond, Va – $1.4 Million FELA Jury Verdict won at trial for brakeman injured because of close clearance of dangerous equipment.
1990, Richmond, Va – $1.3 Million FELA Jury Verdict won at trial for brakeman who injured his back while throwing a switch
1985, Portsmouth, Va. – $1.2 Million FELA Jury Verdict won at trial for train engineer with hearing loss and equilibrium problems from a horn blast