(757) 455-8889

Norfolk Child Injuries Attorneys

Arguably, one of a parent’s top concerns is the well-being of their children. Whether a child is at home, daycare, or school, parents rely on others to be responsible and provide the proper care or safe products children deserve. Unfortunately, as the attorneys at Joe Miller Law, know all too well, child injuries still occur regularly in the Norfolk area, many of which are due to another person’s negligence.

After a child sustains an injury or illness due to someone else’s negligence, anger, frustration, and worry typically plague a parent. Not only are they worried about the health of their child, but paying for the medical bills and losing time at work to take care of your child can cause finances to become tight, exacerbating the situation. Fortunately, in these situations, families can often get much-needed compensation from the party, whether a teacher or product manufacturer, responsible for causing a child harm.

Common Causes of Child Injuries

Although children are injured every day due to pure accident or rough play, not all injuries and illnesses occur due to other people’s reckless and careless actions. Some examples of ways in which children can be injured by others’ negligence include:

  • Inadequate supervision
  • Toxic child toys / products
  • Choking hazards
  • Unsafe pools
  • School / teacher negligence
  • Daycare negligence

All of these situations can lead to the injury of a child. Injuries can vary in their severity, but whatever the particular injury, no child and family should have to deal with the consequences on their own.

Contact a Child Injuries Lawyer in Norfolk

If your innocent child has suffered any type of injury because of another person’s neglect or dangerous behavior, then our lawyers at Joe Miller Law believe you might be owed compensation, not to mention justice for the harm and suffering your family has had to endure. Speak with us about your options for pursuing compensation and how we might be able to help you fight for your family by calling (888) 694-1671.