(757) 455-8889

Virginia & North Carolina Railroad Worker Injuries/FELA Claims Attorney

Railroad worker injuries can occur in any number of different ways, but in many cases, the physical damages that workers suffer as a result leave them unable to return to work for substantial periods of time. As a result, injured workers may not be able to support themselves financially during this difficult situation, both because of lost income and the costs of medical treatment that may be necessary for their injuries.

Fortunately, railroad workers who are injured on the job because of employer negligence may be able to sue their employers under the Federal Employers Liability Act (FELA). Additionally, the family members of railroad workers who lost their lives in a workplace accident can also take legal action under FELA. As our lawyers at Joe Miller Law are well aware, sustaining an injury in Norfolk as a railroad worker can present numerous difficulties, both physical and financial. Thus, being able to obtain compensation under FELA can be immensely helpful for these injured workers.

Common Causes of Railroad Worker Injuries

Railroad worker injuries can range from the relatively minor, such as cuts and bruises, to the extremely serious, such as spinal cord injuries. The causes of railroad worker injuries can be equally diverse, with some of the more common of these causes including:

  • Repetitive physical tasks
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals/substances
  • Electrocution accidents
  • Falling tools or freight
  • Crushing accidents

These and other common causes of railroad worker injuries may leave workers eligible to receive compensation through a FELA claim. Additionally, our office is prepared to help workers who may be entitled to pursue a personal injury claim against a third party who might also be responsible for the accident that injured the railroad worker.

Contact a Railroad Worker Injury Lawyer in VA and NC

At Joe Miller Law, our legal team is dedicated to fighting for the rights of injured railroad workers. If you have been the victim of an injury on a railroad and need help understanding your rights under FELA, call (888) 694-1671 to speak with a lawyer who is well-versed in FELA cases and law.