(757) 455-8889

Norfolk Employer Negligence Lawyers

Truck accidents involving 18-wheelers are responsible for a number of serious injuries and huge costs for Norfolk drivers every year. While it may initially seem like individual drivers are to blame for accidents (and sometimes they are), in some cases it may be that employer negligence within the trucking company is responsible. When employers fail to uphold certain safety measures, the result can be devastating injury to innocent victims.

The Norfolk employer negligence attorneys of Joe Miller Law, are committed to representing victims of truck accidents, and we may be able to advocate on your behalf for the funds you need to recover. Medical costs, lost wages and other expenses quickly add up in the wake of a Norfolk truck accident, but we believe you should not have to pay for damages when a truck company employer’s negligence caused your accident.

Examples of Employer Negligence

Negligence refers to any action that disregards the safety of others. A trucking employer in Norfolk might be considered legally negligent in numerous situations, but four are very common. These examples of employer negligence include:

  • Negligence in Hiring
  • Failure to Train Drivers
  • Failure to Maintain Vehicles
  • Hours of Service Violations

It is inexcusable when employers fail to act by the standards they are set to, especially when their negligence leads to a serious accident that may involve you or someone that you care about. However, Norfolk victims of truck accidents may have legal options for fighting back, and an experienced lawyer can help you better understand these options.

Contact an Employer Negligence Attorney in Norfolk

If a trucking company’s employer has been negligent, and you have been injured in an 18-wheeler accident, then that employer might be held responsible for any costs that you’ve incurred. The Norfolk employer negligence attorneys of Joe Miller Law, can help you evaluate your legal options. Contact our offices in Norfolk today by calling (888) 694-1671 to learn more.