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How a Good Personal Injury Attorney Handles a Truck Spill Accident

One of the principal dangers when trucks with cargo get into accidents is that their cargo may spill onto the road. The spillage can then spread to other lanes. Avoiding spilled cargo can be problematic because it can be hard to anticipate where it is going to spill. Even if you can accurately predict where the spilled cargo will go, there just may not be any safe place to move on the roadway. In proving liability for a cargo spill accident, a number of questions need to be reviewed by a skilled lawyer who knows how to get the answers necessary to make a successful claim.

The key questions to review when truck spills occur:

  • What happened – why did the cargo spill? Was there too much cargo in the truck? Was the cargo improperly secured? Was someone negligent in the way the cargo was loaded? Was the wrong truck chosen for the job? Did the driver go too fast? Did the driver make too fast a turn?
  • What was the result of the spill? Cargo spills can cause serious injuries and death. Heavy cargo like steel can directly roll or fall into an oncoming vehicle causing damage. Some vehicles may have no choice but to drive into the spill. Some cars may collide with other cars and even cause multiple car accidents – in the attempt to avoid the cargo.
  • How could the spill have been prevented? Once a determination of why the spill occurred can be answered, it’s important to show how the spill could have been avoided in the first place. Could better equipment have been used? Would better planning have worked?
  • Who’s responsible? In many cases the driver will be responsible. But in some cases others may be at fault. The company that loaded the cargo could be liable. The company that was getting the cargo might be accountable. Maintenance companies may be at fault. In some cases many companies or parties could be liable. Liability may depend not just on showing what happened or could have happened but by reviewing the shipping contracts. The tough cases are when more than one factor caused the accident.

Joe Miller Works on Truck Accident Cases

If you or someone you love has been hurt or killed in a truck accident in Norfolk, contact attorney Joe Miller at Joe Miller Law, by calling (888) 694-1671. You may have a significant recovery coming to you, so do not hesitate to take action and learn more about the legal rights and options that are available to you in this situation.