(757) 455-8889

Amazon Warehouse Worker Injuries

Both North Carolina and Virginia employ many different types of workers at their fulfillment centers. These centers are spread throughout both states. Amazon also hires many drivers who use Amazon’s trucks to make pickups from the stores and facilities that have the items that are ordered – and to make deliveries to the people and …

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What Are the Different Types of Bone Breaks?

The human body has 206 bones. A break in any one bone can cause a worker to lose time from work. Employees can break a bone if they fall, are pinned by an object, are in a vehicle accident, or for many other reasons. Advanced age increases the risk of a broken bone. Broken bones …

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Medical Equipment for Injured Workers

Injured employees who qualify for worker’s compensation in North Carolina and Virginia are entitled to payment for their medical expenses. In addition to payment for surgeries, doctor visits, physical therapy, and other medical care with health providers; employers are generally entitled to payment for any medical devices to improve their health. Medical devices are more …

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Marijuana and Workers’ Compensation

Marijuana can affect workers’ compensation in many different ways. A major concern is whether your claim can be denied because you used medical marijuana. The second concern is whether a worker can use medical marijuana as part of their treatment for any injuries or diseases. In North Carolina, the possession of marijuana for recreational and …

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Statutes of Limitation in a VA or NC Workers Comp Claim

In VA and NC, you generally only have 2 years to file a claim or get under an Award or have your claim accepted. Virginia and North Carolina Workers Compensation Attorney Joe Miller here explains the concept of the statute of limitations and goes through some specific scenarios where you think you are in the …

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Healthcare Trends for 2022

No worker wants to be injured or suffer an occupational illness. Employees who do have valid worker’s compensation claims are entitled to payment of all their reasonable medical bills. These bills include ER treatment, surgeries, doctor visits, time with physical therapists, and many other types of medical treatment. Claimants also are entitled to payment for …

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Will I Lose my Comp Checks if I’m Laid Off due to the Coronavirus?

Clearly many folks are concerned right now about the effect on their weekly compensation checks of any potential layoff of themselves and their fellow employees at work or company closures due to the severe economic downturn and mandatory closures related to the Coronavirus.  This is a very important question right now and also this particular …

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