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Two Tractor Trailers Collide in North Carolina Accident

The Mt. Airy News reported that two tractor-trailers were involved in an accident on Interstate 77. The accident involved two Kenworth tractor-trailers. One was owned by Coast to Coast Transport and the second by Federal Express. The Federal Express truck, which was carrying two trailers, rear-ended the first truck, causing severe damage. The Federal Express driver was charged with a failure to reduce his speed. The accident happened near a weight station on mile marker 102. A local hazardous waste team was called in to clean up a liquid spill which occurred as a result of the collision. The rear truck ran through the front truck’s cargo carrier.

Liability Considerations

Some of the issues involved in a truck accident case like this are:

  • Can a conviction on the speeding charge be used against the Federal Express driver?
  • Can Federal Express be held accountable for the accident – for any injuries to the driver of the first vehicle or for the damage to the Coast to Coast vehicle? The answer is ‘Yes.’ So long as the driver was engaged in his duties for Fed Ex at the time of the collision, there is a legal doctrine that considers him the agent of Fed Ex, and in that manner, Fed Ex can be held responsible for his actions in causing the wreck.
  • Does the fact that the rear truck ran through the front truck cargo carrier show the Federal Express driver was going too fast ? After all, the front vehicle was hauling a trailer.
  • Is a claim for punitive damages viable?

Contact a Truck Accident Attorney in North Carolina

Attorney Joe Miller has been representing accident victims for over 25 years and has the experience and knowledge to pursue medical claims, lost wage claims, pain and suffering claims, and wrongful death claims. He has helped thousands of North Carolina and Virginia victims fight for the financial compensation they need following an accident, and he is ready to put this considerable experience to work fighting for you. To learn more about your legal rights and options following a truck accident, contact Joe Miller Law today at (888) 694-1671.