Joe Miller Obtains Substantial, Six Figure Settlement for North Carolina Car Accident Victim Who Needed Multiple Intestinal Surgeries Due to Side Effects Of Her Pain Medication
2007, Elizabeth City, NC -We resolved this case at mediation and negotiated a substantial six- figure injury settlement for a North Carolina woman whose car was rear- ended and severely damaged by a commercial vehicle. Initially, she suffered typical soft tissue injuries from the collision; however, a few weeks after the collision, she entered the hospital on an emergency basis, and nearly died due to a severe infection in her digestive tract. She subsequently underwent a series of three surgeries to her colon and small intestine. We later sat down with her treating Gastroenterologist and asked him whether he thought that the anti-inflammatory medication prescribed by her treating doctors could have caused or initiated the necessity for her surgeries. He stated that in his opinion, the anti-inflammatory medication, combined with her inactivity due to her injuries, caused the problem in digestive system, and he wrote us a report which was instrumental in obtaining a large settlement in her case.