(757) 455-8889

Joe Miller Obtains Substantial VA Workers Comp Settlement for Furniture Deliveryman Who Almost lost out due to lack of Award

Norfolk, VA January, 2014. Joe Miller Obtained a substantial Virginia Workers Compensation settlement for a 51-year old furniture delivery worker who was injured during a delivery. When he came to our office, our client was being held out of work by his doctor. Like many injured workers we see, he assumed he was under an Open Award since the employer was paying him for his time off. Turns out, he was not. This was a very dangerous situation as a worker can be cut off from benefits as soon as he or she is released to light duty by the doctor. We made sure the client got under an Open Award right away—and it turns out it was just in time. The client was released with permanent restrictions just as the Award became permanent. We were then in a position to settle the claim for a substantial sum, putting the client in a position to re-train and seek employment within his physical restrictions. Had the client not been aware he was receiving benefits without an Award, he could have been out on the street with no options and no income very quickly.